There’s some crazy disrespect going on in the world. You don’t need me to tell you that to know it’s true. While that has always been the case, it’s worse than ever before. Seriously. There was a time, not too long ago, when if a man or woman of God spoke, respect was given from saint and sinner alike. Sadly, that’s not the case today.
There are multiple levels of crazy disrespect. There’s the I’m going out today and mow down a bunch of innocent people with an automatic weapon disrespect. There’s the I’m going to shoot as much of this nasty substance into my veins to see how it makes me feel disrespect. There’s the I’m going to fill my life with as many distractions as possible so I don’t have to deal with the reality of eternity disrespect. Then there’s the I’m going to smile while you’re telling me about how to be saved from this crazy disrespectful world of sin, and then go on about my merry way because you just need a crutch for your simple life, and I’m far superior in my thinking to put any credit into what you’re saying kind of disrespect…Taking care of this last one is often the key to not escalating to the the first three levels of crazy disrespect.
Not everyone is out to get you. Some people are truly concerned about your spiritual wellbeing, not just what you can do for them. Some people are trying to build a relationship with you in order to let you know there’s a place for you in the Family of God. Does that mean they have an ulterior motive, and you shouldn’t trust them? On the contrary, it means you are valuable to them, and they truly care about you. It is in your best interest to run to that godly relationship, and not away from it.
What does all your allusiveness accomplish? Why is it important for you to avoid every serious conversation with that godly person who is trying to make a connection with you? Why make them feel like they have to come up with ten new ways to interact with you to bring your relationship to a point where you can have a real conversation about the things of God?
If a truly godly person is pursuing a relationship with you, it’s probably because they have a personal mandate from God to do so. Do you think they enjoy being put off, disregarded, insulted and ignored? Wouldn’t be it better to just sit down and have a real conversation about your spiritual wellbeing? That’s their only objective…your spiritual wellbeing.
In a week’s time, who do you talk to? Who is important in your life? Your spouse. Your children. These are understandable.
What about your co-workers? Your employees. The grocery store cashier. Your boss. Your coach. Your gym manager. Your flight attendant. Your Uber driver. Seriously. Don’t you understand it’s hurtful when you will have a more meaningful conversation with any of these people than me, someone who is truly concerned about where your life is heading, and has the answer to fix it?
The person who is pursuing you may not actually be me, but there’s someone. See their face in your mind’s eye. Notice how sincere they are. Notice how they try to mask the hurt when you either won’t make time for a simple conversation about God and His Word, or when you put them off with a drummed up excuse.
That person is not saying they are better than you, holier than you, smarter than you or worth more than you. Just the opposite is true. They are saying they were once in a fat mess of lostness, but God sent someone to find them. They want to be that someone for you.
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” (Proverbs 11:30)