Ten Often Overlooked Benefits of Fasting

We all know that Christians are called to the spiritual discipline of fasting. The most obvious benefit of fasting is to keep our flesh under control and become more sensitive to the voice and will of God. There are other lesser known benefits of fasting, however. Here are ten.

1. Weight Loss
I’m listing this benefit first, not because it’s the most important, but simply to get it out of the way. Obviously, if you eat less, you will lose weight to some degree. Even though fasting shouldn’t be looked at as a diet or weight loss program, losing weight is usually a byproduct of the process.

Why is losing weight good? A large percentage of people carry more weight than their frame can adequately sustain to live a healthy and productive life. For most of us, losing a few pounds can only be a benefit to our quality of life. If you can move better and breathe better, you can serve God better.

2. Clear Thinking
Most of our diets are filled with all manner of chemicals, preservatives, environmental pollutants and pesticides. When we fast, the process clears out the toxins that bog down the physical and mental systems in our bodies. In just a short time, we find that we can actually think more clearly than before we fasted.

3. Clear Skin
How much money is spent on acne medication yearly? A crazy amount. The truth is one little change will take care of almost all acne problems for even hormonal teenagers. Cut the sugar. That’s it. Just remove all forms of sugar from your diet. Yeah…that’s probably not going to happen. Fortunately, fasting on a regular basis will go a long way to clear the skin of blemishes. Eating healthy after the fast is broken will keep things under control. 

Acne isn’t the only thing that bows to fasting, though. People who fast regularly, generally have glowing, and much younger looking skin than others their age. The cosmetics industry definitely doesn’t want you to know this little fact.

4. More Free Time
Consider how much time you spend thinking about food, planning meals, grocery shopping and in food preparation. Food is so very time consuming in our lives. When you’re fasting, that amount of time is decreased considerably. If you’re self-disciplined, you can use that time toward other interests. 

Granted, if you have a family to care for, then this perk isn’t as beneficial to you at this season of life. If you’re single, however, or if your children are grown and out of the house, you can take full advantage of this benefit.

5. Saving Money

Food is so expensive. Eating healthy is even more expensive. What if you chose to fast one meal every day? That would amount to seven meals a week. How much would seven meals cost on average? If you use the extremely moderate amount of $5 per meal, you could save $35 a week. Again, even though fasting isn’t about saving money, it does offer this added benefit.

6. Refined Taste

Do you ever get to the point where nothing tastes good? I have learned to recognize this as a red flag that it’s time to fast. Food is suppose to taste good. If your coffee that you love to drink begins to have a weird taste, it’s probably because your body is full of toxins that are changing the way you taste your food, and need to be expelled from your body by the process of fasting. Fasting purifies our taste so that we can enjoy our food again.

7. Appreciation For Simplicity

I know a man who fasted for seven full days with water only. This was a man who would have regularly enjoyed expensive and extravagant meals. As he approached the end of his week long fast, I remember him saying how he would love to have a saltine cracker spread with butter. The process of fasting caused him to appreciate simple foods without needing excess. After a prolonged fast, we can once again appreciate food in its simplest form, either raw or cooked without all the added sauces and seasonings which are often unhealthy.

The same can be said of other simple elements in our lives that we take for granted like fresh air, clean water, soft bedding and honest conversation. We are a generation that has everything at our fingertips, yet God wants us to appreciate the simple elements of a healthy life.

8. More Compassion

When you do without something, you begin to have empathy for others who do not have. In a day’s time, most of us are satiated with foods shipped in from all over the world. It’s all at our fingertips. Our bellies are full to the tipping point while we are planning our next meal. When we empty ourselves of all the excess, we are reminded that there are many many people who live hungry. Our gnawing stomachs cause us to remember to pray for those who still won’t have food or clothes or medical care when we decide to eat again. Hopefully, we will remember that gnawing once we’re full, and allow it to spur us into prayer and action to assist the needy.

9. Increased Gratitude 

Again, it is often only when you are without that you realize how much you have had. During a fast, God brings to our attention how many ways He has blessed us. Our minds focus on food first and foremost, but as the fast progresses, we begin to realize the abundance of blessings that He bestows on us. We begin to name them one by one, and as we name them, more come to our minds. Good food, fresh water, soft bed, comfortable and safe home, a job to feed our family, the use of our limbs and minds. Then we are able to focus on more important things we’re grateful for. Family, friends, church family, godly relationships. We begin to look at people for who they are and what they mean in our lives, and our hearts swell with gratitude when we remember what it’s all about. Relationship.

10. Better Health

There are endless eating plans that are marketed for health. Eat this way, and you’ll be healthy. Eat this way, and your body will be transformed. While there are many valid eating paths to aid in achieving health, the one, God-given plan is most often overlooked. Fasting is the main tool which God has given His people in order to stay healthy. The path to health is not about eating a certain way, but about eating less, and less often. 

[bctt tweet=”“Fasting is the main tool which God has given His people in order to stay healthy. The path to health is not about eating a certain way, but about eating less, and less often.” -Pat Vick” username=”patvickdotcom”]

As long as you are consuming food, the systems of your body are focused on digestion. It is only when your body is emptied of food that it can focus on healing. There is a process called Autophagy. The word autophagy means “Self Eating” which sounds rather gruesome, but is so very beneficial to our health. It is the process whereby our bodies begin to break down and consume everything unnecessary, and even harmful to our health. It is our body’s way of housecleaning. During autophagy, toxins, defective cells, tumors and cancers are either destroyed, or used for energy in the place of food.

The key is that this powerful process of autophagy only starts after we have been in a fasted state for a minimum of sixteen hours. Some medical reports suggest that it doesn’t begin until the 24 hour mark. This is only the beginning of the process, however. Obviously, the longer you fast, the more benefits you receive. While fasting one or two meals will be beneficial to keeping your flesh under control, it will not do much toward healing.

God put this self-healing mechanism in our bodies that is triggered and sustained by regular and prolonged fasting. It should come as no surprise that He told us we would experience health benefits when we fast properly:

“Then shall thy light break forth as the morning,
and thine health shall spring forth speedily:
and thy righteousness shall go before thee;
the glory of the LORD shall be thy rereward.” (Isaiah 58:8)

With all of these benefits of fasting, why wouldn’t we want to participate in this God-given tool? Don’t let the fear of a few hunger pangs deprive you of this holy, life changing process.

*NOTE: Please consult your doctor before embarking on a fasting journey. A good doctor knows the health benefits of fasting, and will work with you in planning a fasting course suitable to your particular health needs and restrictions.

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