There is a call going out from the throne room of God in these last days. It is an urgent and fervent plea for the saints of God to pray and fast like never before. The call is to all who will hear and obey. However, there is one group of people that is equipped to accomplish it better than any other.
There are those among us who are often forgotten or overlooked. This is a terrible tragedy since they hold the greatest potential for ushering true revival into the world. Widows, who the apostle Paul called “widows indeed,” meaning they have their eyes set on Jesus, and not the pleasures of the world. They spend their time in prayer and fasting, seeking God for their families, and for a lost and dying world.
These women are the unheralded heroes among us. They often feel that they have lost their purpose. Perhaps they were pastor’s or minister’s wives. Their lives were previously filled with ministry, and now they sit alone waiting for an opportunity to serve again.
We often see them as precious and fragile pieces of porcelain that must be set on the highest shelves to keep them safe. We unknowingly label them as relics of the past. Yet, inside of their very being are vaults of wisdom gleaned from lifetimes of experiences. What a waste. What a shame. What a tragedy.
We must pull widows indeed from the safe storage boxes that we have relegated them to. We must interact with them. We must sit at their feet and learn. We must listen. Most of all, we must encourage them to pray and fast for our families, congregations, communities, nation and world.
Calling. All. Widows. God leans in to hear your prayers. If you are desiring to minister, and don’t know when, where or how to make that happen, I encourage you to enter into a season of prayer and fasting. I beseech you to go before the throne of God for the Body of Christ as only you can. The Spirit is calling you to your greatest and finest hour of selfless ministry.
Look around you. We are in the last days before Jesus returns for His bride, the Church. If we are going to have revival, it needs to be now. If we are going to reach the lost, it needs to be now. If we are going to do something beneficial for the Kingdom, it needs to be now.
Calling. All. Widows. We need you more than we ever have before. In this winter season of your life, you are truly more valuable than you have ever been.
“Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day.” (1 Timothy 5:5)