I Press On (Guest Post)

There have been many days when I did not feel like going to the gym to work out, and sometimes when I got there, and started working out, I thought, “Lord, I simply cannot do this today.” But I press on. I know how undisciplined I can be, and I’m afraid that if I start giving in, the time may come when I won’t show up to work out at all. So it is with the spiritual disciplines. There are some things, if you start giving in and getting slack, it may bother you at first, but the more you give in, the less it will bother you. After a while, you will be very unfaithful. Here are a few spiritual disciplines to focus on:

1. Church Attendance

If you deliberately miss church, it may bother you at first (and it should), but the more you miss, the less it will bother you. After a while, it won’t take much to cause you to miss.

2. Tithing

If you are a faithful tither, and you decide to skip, at first it may bother you, but it will be easier the next time. You have started on a downward path, and it is not easy to turn around, and get back on track.

3. Bible Reading

Bible reading provides a foundation for our faith. It gives substance to our walk with God. The only way I know to be a faithful Bible reader is to set yourself up on a program you can live with. Pick a version of the Bible you can understand.

I like to start my day by reading one or two of the Psalms. It seems to open my spirit to God. Beyond that, for many years, I have read through the Bible at least once each year. You will have to average almost 4 chapters each day to do that.

You may not be able to do that much, but you can start by reading one of the Psalms, and a chapter from the New Testament each day. Do your best to keep it up, and after a while, you will be “hooked on the Book.”

You’ll be glad you pressed on!

-Bro. Johnson
Rev. David Johnson serves as Bishop at Fountain of Truth, UPC in Bartlett, Tennessee, pastored by his son, Rev. Mark Johnson.