Repentance Is A Good Turning Around Place

The road that I live on is the perfect country road for walking. From my house to my oldest son’s is one and a half miles of beautiful rolling hills and scenic pastures. Walking there and back is nearly perfect to practice for a 5K.

I rarely walk that far, though. Exactly one mile from home is my turning around spot. There is a wooden fence that meanders through the low pastures on both sides, and then the road begins its upward elevation until it reaches its highest point.

I follow the road until I reach this point. It is the one mile mark. I’m always tempted to walk further, but then reason sets in. The further I walk, the greater the distance will be to get back home.

A peculiar thing happens as I approach my turning around place. I begin to think how I am going to do it. I’m on a public road, so cars come by every so often. The people who live in the house I’m approaching can also see me if they are outside or looking out a window.

Am I going to walk to the driveway at the top of the hill and sit on the concrete bench for a minute, and then begin my walk back home? Am I going to casually look at the wildflowers on the side of the road, and then turn around? Am I going to bend down and pretend to tie my shoe? Or will I simply turn in an immediate about face and head in the other direction?

It’s funny that I’m more concerned about how I will be perceived to look when I turn around, rather than simply turning around so that I can get home.

Repentance is like this. The word actually means to turn around, or turn away from. At different times in our lives, we find ourselves walking away from our spiritual home. Away from our relationship with God and His people.

The best thing to do would be to simply turn around and go back the way we came. Instead, we spend valuable time and energy being concerned with how we will be perceived as we turn around. Unfortunately, the further we walk in the wrong direction, the longer it will take to get home.

“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.” (Acts 3:19)

Photo by Milly Eaton from Pexels

The Altar Should Alter Us

We pastor a small, country church. It has a small, country altar. Years ago, the altar had been moved downstairs, as it often was when there was a special program that required more room at the front of the sanctuary. This time, however, the altar wasn’t moved back into place when the program was over. I realize that sounds awful, but I will add that there is a carpeted step that runs the length of the platform which served as the altar area.

One night, my husband had a dream of our two boys carrying the altar between them, and setting it back in place. He took this as instruction from the Lord, and asked our sons to do just that.

He preached that service about that old altar. He named saints that had gone on to their reward who had wept hot tears at that humble bench. He called different ones in the congregation by name, and reminded them how their mother and grandmother had agonized before God for their salvation. He told of a former District Superintendent who had given his life to Jesus while kneeling at that very altar.

Each person was called to approach the altar and make a fresh consecration to God and give reverence to that old country altar where so many lives had been changed. It was one of the most moving services that I’ve ever been a part of. Not because of any well rehearsed program or pageantry, but because of the image of people’s lives and hearts being visibly changed as they knelt or bent to lay their hand lovingly on the smooth wood, and mingled their tears with the tear stains from past generations.

It was in that service that I came to understand more deeply that the altar isn’t just a piece of furniture in a church building. The altar is a place where we are changed. Where we lay down old actions, old habits, old grudges, old ways of thinking, old sinful flesh. Down.

If we aren’t allowing the altar to change us, we’re approaching it wrong. If at all. The altar should alter us.

“Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.” (Matthew 5:23-24)

God’s Amazing Grace…Let’s Not Make It a Disgrace.

“We have preached grace until it’s become a disgrace.” -Unknown 

I have found this to be true. People who claim to be Christians, live any way they want, and claim God’s amazing grace as their hope of eternity with Him. We have come to think of grace as an all inclusive, anything goes, God will overlook all manner of sin salvation plan. Be assured, God still requires repentance, obedience to the gospel, and holiness in order to be saved.

If you are sinning against God’s commandments, you have no reason to expect God’s grace to save you.

What is grace? Let’s start by looking at the definition of both mercy and grace:

  • MERCY is when God doesn’t give you what you deserve. (Judgement)
  • GRACE is when God gives you something that you do not deserve. (Blessing)

Both mercy and grace feel awesome. It’s understandable why people come to believe that they are saved after being the recipients of these gifts. Along with feeling light and free of the burden of judgement, and all goosebumps and glory from His many blessings, we constantly hear of the love of God. Granted, He is a loving God…He is also a just God, a jealous God, a holy God and a righteous God.

Compare These Two Scriptural Accounts.

  1. God sent Jonah to preach to the wicked city of Nineveh. They repented of their sins, willingly accepting his mercy for the moment, and averting immediate judgement. Eventually, however, they were destroyed because they never followed through in His grace, and turned to Him completely.
  2. God met Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. Saul was a Christian killer. Not only did Saul take advantage of God’s mercy, he followed on into His grace. He was converted. He changed. He turned 180 degrees, and lived for God with everything in him.

There are going to be a massive amount of people who claim Christianity that will be lost because they accepted God’s mercy for the moment, but never followed on into His Grace. God’s grace is big enough to cover any number of sins, but only if they are repented of and turned away from.

“Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 5:20-21)

We do not receive grace so that we can continue in sin. Please hear me. If you are living in sin, judgement is coming to you.

“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (Romans 6:1-2)

Grace is a space of time that God allows us to repent and turn from wickedness. It is not God condoning sin. I beg you, if you are living in a sinful lifestyle, please repent and turn from your sin.

Be Not Deceived 

Please don’t be deceived into thinking that God’s grace allows you to live in sin. Don’t be deceived into believing that God’s love is so all-consuming that He won’t hold you accountable for your sin.

We are living in a space of grace in which God is drawing humanity to repentance by His Word and by His Spirit. Great deception has come upon the world. Scripture calls it “gross darkness.”

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.“ (Isaiah 60:1-2)

You might think that you could never be deceived by this spiritual darkness, but if you are living in sins such as are listed below, and believing that you will be saved doing so, you are most definitely deceived.

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

“He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:7-8)

Note: The word fearful in the above scripture is Strongs #G1169, and means “faithless.”

Just because it’s accepted by a whole society to have intimate relations outside of marriage, or have an abortion, or identify as the opposite sex, or live a homosexual lifestyle, or consume drugs and alcohol, or steal, or lie, or dabble in witchcraft such as with horoscopes, or worship politicians and movie stars and sports heroes…and the list goes on and on…It is not acceptable for a child of God.

I beg you to take God at His Word, and take advantage of His Gift of Grace by repenting of your sins, and being Born Again according to Acts 2:38.

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 2:38)

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)


  1. Have you ever felt convicted of something that everyone around you felt was acceptable?
  2. Have you ever repented of a sinful lifestyle, and suffered persecution from friends or family who didn’t understand your conviction?
  3. Think of a time when God’s Spirit brought conviction. How did you feel until you repented? How did you feel after you repented?
  4. Have you ever felt conviction over something that you had not even known was sinful?
  5. What has brought the most conviction in your life, the preached Word or the written Word?
  6. Be honest with yourself…Are you living a sinful lifestyle, and trying to justify why you think God won’t hold it against you?
  7. Why do you think it is so hard to repent and turn from sin even when you know it’s necessary?
  8. Do you truly believe God will forgive you if you repent?
  9. What is your greatest fear of turning away from sin, and turning fully to God?
  10. What sin is worth more than your soul?

As always, I encourage feedback.
Warm Regards, 



The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Bookstores For Christians

I love bookstores. Truly. I could hang out in a bookstore for a whole day and be perfectly happy. I was in a McKay’s recently, which is a used bookstore that I enjoy frequenting. As I browsed the divisions of book genres, I realized how much information this generation has at our fingertips. (We won’t even talk about the internet here, but save that topic for another post.) Unlimited information isn’t always a good thing, however.

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Philippians 4:8)


When I walk the aisles of a bookstore or library, I see endless possibilities. Limitless information, instruction and adventure.

Want to learn how to crochet, paint with oils, or the art of origami? There are books for that. Want to immerse yourself into another culture, see the Blow Holes in Tonga, or learn about the weightlessness of deep space? There are books for that. Want to learn a knew language, figure out how to fix the dishwasher, or acquire the how to of a new start up business? There are books for that. Want to read about the horrors of the Holocaust, the biography of Florence Nightingale, or the memoirs of Elie Wiesel? There are books for that.

Truly, the possibilities for learning and experiencing are limitless. Readers are Leaders, and leaders are readers. If you want get a step up on any topic, as well as life in general,  there’s a book for that.


Unfortunately, there are also many pitfalls when sifting through the shelves of a bookstore or library. Not every option is godly or beneficial to your life’s journey, and many are terribly destructive.

Options vs Distractions

Call me weird, but when I walk down the aisles of bookstores, I’m acutely aware of the enormity of choices. Anything you want to learn about is right there within reach. (Much like the internet) In fifteen minutes of browsing bookstore shelves, I can find enough distractions to sidetrack my life’s purpose for years. I’m looking through the Christian Living section one minute, and then I’m four aisles over, and absorbed in a book about the plight of the Blue Bumble-footed Wildebeest.

The struggle is real. More options necessitate more personal convictions. Satan will use anything to get you sidetracked from your calling.

[bctt tweet=”“More options necessitate more personal convictions. Satan will use anything to get you sidetracked from your calling.” -Pat Vick” username=”patvickdotcom”]

Truth vs Error

Another real issue with having so many reading options (Much like the internet) is the possibility of not being able to tell Truth from error. Again, you’re scanning the shelves in the Christian section of the bookstore. You’re in the “safe zone.” Unfortunately, not everything that is marketed as  Christian is.

True readers consume a lot of material. Yet, it’s never wise to do so without checks and balances, God’s Word being the standard. If you don’t consume as much, or more, of God’s Word than you do of other material, how will you know what is true and what is not? No matter what or how much you choose to read, the Word of God should be your foundation and  litmus test for everything else you read.

So many options of reading material, and not enough grounding in God’s Word, can lead to a shipwrecked life.

Holy Spirit vs Familiar Spirits

In most public bookstores and libraries, there are sections of books that every Christian should steer clear of. It is usually labeled as Religious, Spiritual or New Age. Trust me; Not everything that is spiritual is from the Holy Spirit, and not everything that is religious is Truth.

[bctt tweet=”“Not everything that is spiritual is from the Holy Spirit, and not everything that is religious is Truth.” -Pat Vick” username=”patvickdotcom”]

The very first book that I can remember checking out from a school library was called The Witches of Worm. It was about a young girl who found a pitiful, orphaned kitten, and brought it home. The kitten ended up being a Familiar Spirit (even though this term wasn’t used in the book) It was possessed by a demon, which the girl interacted with. I was seven or eight years old, and this was my first introduction to witchcraft. I had checked this book out of my elementary school library…Just think how much more blatant and wicked spirits are that are attached to the books in a public bookstore or library forty-five years later.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” (1 Peter 5:8)

Evil spirits attach themselves to books, and are carried along into people’s lives and homes as they are passed from one place and person to another. Many times, the authors and/or publishers of such books actually “pray” curses over their material before setting it loose into an unsuspecting world. At the very least, readers will pick up spirits from the households and lifestyles of previous book owner/readers.

We must take care of the material that we consume. It becomes a part of us just as surely as the natural food we eat. To live an overcoming life, we must also be aware and take responsibility for what we bring into our homes. Books, music, games, magazines, movies…all of it should be held suspect until it is vetted through the Word and Spirit of God.


If you are a  Christian, and are experiencing unfounded fear, anxiety, nightmares or any type of ungodly supernatural manifestations in your home, you need to do some house cleaning.

Spend some time removing every item in your possession that does not promote true godliness. Once you’ve done what you can, ask the Lord to show you anything else that might be tucked away unseen, or that you have forgotten about. Ask Him to show you anything that has an evil spirit connected to it that you wouldn’t have ever considered.

Once you feel that your home is thoroughly purged of unholy items, pray a prayer of repentance. Ask the Lord to forgive you for bringing unholiness into your home and possession. Ask Him to forgive you for subjecting your heart, mind and soul to things contrary to His Word. Ask Him to break any and all connection between you and ungodly spirits of darkness. Pray in Jesus’ name.

Anoint yourself, or ask your Pastor, to anoint you and your home with oil, praying a fresh hedge of protection over your mind, your life, your home, and your vehicle.


Lastly, start fresh, and choose wisely. There are many, many books that promote Truth and Holiness. Don’t just walk up and down the aisles of a bookstore, and pick indiscriminately. Let prayer, the Holy Ghost and the Word of God be your guide.

 “And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.” (John 21:25)

Hey, Friends! I’d love some feedback on this topic. What are your experiences with ungodly bookstore choices?  Warm Regards, -Pat

Repentance Is Death To Self

Have you ever done something that you knew was wrong, and been sorry while you were doing it, knowing you would do it again? Me too. That isn’t repentance. True repentance (the kind God will forgive your sins over) is not just being sorry, but turning away from sin. True repentance stops the offending action.


We must empty ourselves of our SELF, and give ourselves over to God’s SELF.

[bctt tweet=”“We must empty ourselves of SELF, and give ourselves over to God’s SELF. This is true repentance.” ” username=”patvickdotcom”]

If I’m still living for I and ME, even if I’m sorry for it, then I haven’t repented. I must die to self. That means that no matter how much I enjoy or want something, I have to give that over to the will of God.

As Christians, we throw around the phrase, “Be Born Again” quite often. The Apostle Peter, who Jesus gave the Keys to the Kingdom, explained this process:

”Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 2:38)

We can only be Born Again if we have died. Not physically, but spiritually. We must die to our own will and desires, putting God’s Will above our own.


When it comes time for a caterpillar to transition to its next phase of life, it will weave a cocoon. There’s nothing appealing or attractive about this cozy little spot. It’s purely functional. While wrapped tightly inside it’s self-spun coffin, an amazing metamorphosis takes place at its cellular level. The caterpillar doesn’t just put on a butterfly costume, it BECOMES a butterfly. It is changed.

[bctt tweet=”“The caterpillar doesn’t just put on a butterfly costume. It becomes a butterfly. It is CHANGED. This is true repentance.”” username=”patvickdotcom”]

Before its change, the caterpillar was probably quite happy and content doing caterpillar things. Crawling, chomping green leaves and basking on branches in the warm sunshine. What would make it want to end all that and die to self? Because God has put something deep inside of that little creature that longs for more. It doesn’t even know what that more looks like, but it instinctively seeks it out, and does whatever is necessary to achieve it.


When the butterfly comes out of its place of death, it is reborn with silken wings of splendor. She cautiously stretches them out to their fullest expanse. What are these lovely appendages for? It begins to press them ever so gently up, down, in, out…There…Did you feel that? Lift! That never happened while she was in her caterpillar body. Something…or Someone…is calling her out to the edge of the limb and even further. Should she? Dare she? She must see what’s beyond where she’s been before. She takes a breath and steps out past the solid branch, trusting her new wings to carry her…and they do.

She looks down from her new vantage point as she soars high above all the other caterpillars that haven’t spun their cocoons yet. They think they are living, but she knows differently. She can FLY, and it was only made possible by dying to SELF.


You may be thinking that your life is awesome, and you don’t want anything to change. Trust me…You do. Because what God has in store for you is so much more amazing than what you have ever experienced. Like the caterpillar living its best life can’t fathom what it means to have wings, you can’t fathom what a life given completely over to God will look and feel like.


That’s the tricky part because no one can do it for you. Just as the caterpillar must weave its own place of dying, you must take whatever action is necessary to die to self. You alone know what is in your heart. You alone know what you need to turn away from. You alone know what you need to ask forgiveness for.

Start with one strand. Think of everything you can that you have done against Gods’ Word and Will. Ask Him to forgive you for it. Think of everything that you plan to do that is against His Word and Will. Ask Him to forgive you for it. Commit to Him and yourself that no matter what, you will live for Him. That means His Will takes precedence in your life.

When you have woven enough strands of repentance tightly around your bare soul, the process of transition will begin. God will take your sincere repentance and change you from a caterpillar to a butterfly. You will be able to begin your new life from a fresh vantage point because it comes with WINGS.

“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:32)



My Way Or The Highway

I see people all around me living their lives like there’s no tomorrow. Like there will be no repercussions for their life choices. Like there is no Heaven or Hell, and no Eternity. I’m not referring to people who have never known the Lord, but people who have.

I didn’t know the Lord until I was an adult. Even though I attended church off and on, and would have called myself a Christian, and yes, I even loved Jesus, I was lost. I had never experienced the biblical New Birth that is found in John 3:3-8, and Acts 2, 8, 10 & 19.

Before I was born again, I was terrorized by fear. The spirit of fear, to be specific. Thankfully, I was also followed closely by a spirit of conviction from the Lord. Satan will terrorize and condemn you, but the Lord Jesus will convict you.

[bctt tweet=”Satan will terrorize and condemn you, but the Lord Jesus will convict you.” username=”patvickdotcom”]

Conviction is a wonderful thing, even though it doesn’t feel wonderful at all. It’s God’s mercy drawing you to repentance. I felt conviction strongly even as a very young girl, long before I knew what to call it.

So I’m wondering…where in the world is conviction today? I look around, and people are living for self. That’s not new. But again, I’m not talking about people who don’t know the Lord. I’m talking about people who do. People who have repented of their sins, been baptized in Jesus’ saving name, and been filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. People who have lived holy. People who have witnessed to others, and taught Bible studies. People who have faithfully pursued ministries, and gone on mission trips. People who have spent hours in dedicated prayer, and days of fasting. People who were once delivered from the bondage of sin, and have consciously decided to walk back into the darkness.

“There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (Proverbs 16:25)

I have made my share of bad choices since coming to the Lord. I have also had sin in my life, and had to repent all over agin. I can tell you that there is no peace outside the will of God. So, when I see people who were once living for God, but are now living for self, I’m wondering how they sleep at night. How can a person who knows right from wrong, holiness from sin, Truth from deception, live for years as if it’s “My Way or the High Way?”

[bctt tweet=”There is no peace outside the will of God.” username=”patvickdotcom”]

No matter how many days, weeks, months or decades you live for self, God is calling you to live on the High Way. No matter how much fun you are having, there is coming a day when you will stand before God and give an account for your life. Hopefully, you will have come to repentance before then. At any rate, when you stand before Him, you will know for certain that every minute you spent out of His Will was a complete waste of time, energy, health and life.

I beg you. I beseech you. I implore you…Listen to the voice of conviction. Repent and start traveling on God’s High Way.

“And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness;
the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.” (Isaiah 35:8)


GUEST POST by Doug Ellingsworth: How To Thrive Spiritually In Troublesome Times

Paul was most likely not struggling with a coronavirus pandemic when he wrote the letter we call Second Timothy, but there’s no doubt that he had plenty of troubles on his mind. A prisoner confined in Rome, Paul could feel the hot breathe of the executioner on his neck. Most of his missionary team was scattered throughout the region, leaving only Luke close at hand.

Paul had left a good coat and his books in a town he’d passed through some months before, and was desperately needing to see Timothy and Mark face-to-face. So, grabbing his pen and parchment, he sat down and wrote a quick note that he hoped would bring his friends, his coat, and his books to his prison in Rome before winter set in.

But you know preachers. They can’t just get to the point. They’ve got to surround every suggestion and instruction with a couple of sermons and a life lesson or two. And I’m glad that Paul did because, in his short letter to Timothy, we learn how we can thrive spiritually in these troublesome and turbulent days.

In chapter two, Paul lets Timothy know that, while he may be confined to prison, he is aware of what’s happening in the world. He knows about the debates and arguing and the push to choose sides. He’s aware that preachers have left the Church and are deliberately preaching the opposite of what they had been taught. He’s heard the endless wicked chatter spewed by men who fuss over words without giving the pain they are causing a second thought.

Paul knows that he can’t let the evil in the world suck the life and hope and faith out of these young men’s hearts. He wants them to know that the world’s most vile cannot overpower Heaven’s redeemed. And in his encouraging words to a young preacher two thousand years ago, we find a guide through the spiritual darkness that tries to blind us.

“Despite all these bad things I’ve just told you,” Paul wrote, “The foundation of God stands sure” (II Timothy 2:19). An earth filled with screaming and hateful humans cannot shake, tilt, or crack the foundation that God has laid. His foundation stands sure, and there is nothing that the forces of evil can do that will disturb it.

And the reason evil can’t touch it? The reason that hell’s best cannot faze it? Because that foundation is occupied, it is sealed, by the children of God. God knows them that are His.

And that is the foundation you can confidently stand upon. God knows you! And when you stand upon the foundation He has built, nothing man or hell can do can shake you out of His care.

That’s what God does for you. But the rest of your spiritual success is up to you. You’ve got to make choices and decisions that keep you standing firmly upon that sure foundation of God. You can not only survive through this pandemic, but you can thrive spiritually if you will do what Paul instructed Timothy to do in the rest of chapter two.


  • First, he said to depart from iniquity – or unrighteousness. You’ve got to get out of sinful environments (verse 19). Stop sinning!
  • Next, he told him to quit hanging around with people who would not clean themselves up (verses 20-21). Choose your friends carefully.
  • He then told Timothy to stop letting his fleshly desires drive his decisions, but to think and behave like a mature person (verse 22).
  • The next instruction that Paul gave sometimes gets lost in the words surrounding it, so let’s look at verse 22 again. “Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” So, in contrast to letting your fleshly impulses drive your actions, instead, Paul says, we should deliberately follow righteousness, faith, love, and peace. But note that he adds with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

You cannot thrive spiritually without a church family. Associating with a bunch of good people doesn’t fit the prescription. Neither does simply fellowshipping with people who call on the name of the Lord. Paul said, as you pursue these important things, you’ve got to do it with a group of folks who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Not perfect or self-righteous people, but people who have no other agenda than to be formed into His likeness by His word and spirit.

Do you need a church? Paul thought it was essential.

In summary, Paul said we can be secure in God IF we will stop sinning, IF we quit hanging around with people who love sin, and IF we will choose actions that produce righteousness, faith, love, and peace within a family of believers.

Oh, and one last thing Paul said:

  • Don’t be a quarreler. Be the kind of person that folks like to approach (verse 24).  God knows them that are His, remember? And that eliminates any need for a busybody.

If this sick and confused world has you worried, read this short letter again and you’ll be reminded that God’s people do not need to live in fear. Take courage and let hope soar! The foundation of God remains sure, and He knows you are His.

Now, do your part and thrive!
-Doug Ellingsworth 

Doug Ellingsworth is a Pastor with the United Pentecostal Church International, Board-certified Crisis Chaplain, Husband to Anita, Father of two grown children, and Grandfather to twin grandboys. He is the author of several books, and is a prolific blogger. You can find more of his writing and information about his books at 

Doug & Anita Ellingsworth







When God’s Love Won’t Save You

As I scroll through my social media feeds, I see posts from well-meaning professors of Christianity. These posts are usually in the form of a poster or meme that has been circulated and shared over and over.

Statements such as TRUST GOD WITH YOUR PROBLEMS or IF YOU DON’T STAND FOR GOD, YOU’ll FALL FOR ANYTHING or GOD WILL COME THROUGH FOR YOU fill my newsfeed. There’s certainly nothing false about these declarations. I wonder, though, whether people who are scrolling through social media really take them to heart…Or, even more importantly, maybe they DO take them to heart, and use them to feel justified in continuing to live in sin while professing themselves to be Christians.

People who are living in sin don’t need to be rocked into spiritual slumber with CHRISTIAN CLICHES. They don’t need to feel comfortable in their sinful lifestyle. Allowing the sinner to believe they can continue in their sin, and just WAIT ON GOD to come and turn their life around for them will be to the destruction of their souls.

If you are living in sin, no amount of catchy, faith-building phrases will make you right with God. You must repent, and turn away from sin.

If you are a born-again Christian, the world doesn’t need you to make them feel safe and secure in their sin. The world needs a CHURCH who will PROCLAIM TRUTH to the point that sinners will:

  1. Be Convicted.
  2. Turn from their sin.
  3. Repent.
  4. Be baptized in Jesus’ name for the remission of sins.
  5. Receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in tongues.
  6. Live a holy and sanctified life.

Born-again Christians need to listen to themselves through the ears of the world, and read their posts through the world’s eyes. We need to communicate Bible Truths in a way that brings CONVICTION, and offers HOPE…but NOT the latter WITHOUT the former.

In this time of “any way you like it,” our voices need to give CLEAR INSTRUCTION, and not mamby-pamby, feel good phrases that offer DECEPTION, and not DIRECTION. I want my life and witness to be more than a CHRISTIAN CLICHE.

GOD IS LOVE, but even His love won’t save a person who refuses to REPENT and OBEY the Word. His love will DRAW you, but YOU MUST RESPOND.

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.” (Acts 2:38-40)

What Will It Take For You To Live For God?

My heart is so absolutely burdened for people who refuse to turn to God in repentance. I have seen people I love go through sickness almost unto death. Bizarre illnesses that I refuse to believe are only coincidences. Life threatening injuries. I have interceded in prayer, and the Lord has been merciful over and over again.

A worldwide pandemic, riots in the major cities of America, the most destructive weather events ever recorded, prophecies being fulfilled left and right…How much more do you need to see and experience before you turn to the Lord in true repentance?

If you think it’s going to get easier, it won’t. If you think there will be a more convenient time, there won’t. If you think you’ll have the fortitude to turn to the Lord when all Hell breaks loose, even though you refuse to now, you won’t. If you think that you will find a loophole in order to be exempt from judgement, you won’t.

“If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?” (Jeremiah 12:5)

I beg you with tears in my eyes, and intercession on my lips, please turn to God. Please repent. Please fall on the Rock and be broken, before He falls on you, and grinds you to powder.

“And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” (Luke 20:17-18)

Do you truly believe that your way is better than His? No good can come from resisting His Will for your life. He loves you with a love deeper than you’ve ever known. True love. True peace. True salvation. True hope. True life. Why wouldn’t you want that?

Lessons From an Old Altar

We pastor a small, country church. It has a small, country altar. Years ago, the altar had been moved downstairs, as it often was when there was a special program that required more room at the front of the sanctuary. This time, however, the altar wasn’t moved back into place when the program was over. I realize that sounds awful, but I will add that there is a carpeted step that runs the length of the platform which served as the altar area.

One night, my husband had a dream of our two boys carrying the altar between them, and setting it back in place. He took this as instruction from the Lord, and asked our sons to do just that.

He preached that service about that old altar. He named saints that had gone on to their reward who had wept hot tears at that humble bench. He called different ones in the congregation by name, and reminded them how their mother and grandmother had agonized before God for their salvation. He told of a former District Superintendent who had given his life to Jesus while kneeling at that very altar.

Each person was called to approach the altar and make a fresh consecration to God and give reverence to that old country altar where so many lives had been changed. It was one of the most moving services that I’ve ever been a part of. Not because of any well rehearsed program or pageantry, but because of the image of people’s lives and hearts being visibly changed as they knelt or bent to lay their hand lovingly on the smooth wood, and mingled their tears with the tear stains from past generations.

It was in that service that I came to understand more deeply that the altar isn’t just a piece of furniture in a church building. The altar is a place where we are changed. Where we lay down old actions, old habits, old grudges, old ways of thinking, old sinful flesh. Down.

If we aren’t allowing the altar to change us, we’re approaching it wrong. If at all. The altar should alter us.

“Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.” (Matthew 5:23-24)