Let’s Move Some Mountains!

Have you been dealing with the same spiritual strongholds for years?

Do you need more faith to get the victory?

If you have been asking God again and again for more faith, with little or no results, it’s a good time to figure out where faith comes from. We can go to a familiar scripture to find the answer.

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

Is this all there is to acquiring faith, and more of it? If so, it seems simple enough. Go to church. Listen to the preaching. Apply it to our lives. Enter, FAITH

Yet, there are people who sit in church services three times a week plus prayer meetings, read the Bible daily, and pray faithfully, who, apparently, do not have the faith to get victory over the situations in their lives. Maybe you are one of them.

There must be more. What are we missing?

In Matthew 17, a man brings his devil-possessed son to Jesus, only after he had taken him to the disciples, and they could not cure him. Jesus responded with frustration at what He called a “FAITHLESS and perverse generation.” He then rebuked the devil, which immediately left the young man. What did Jesus know that the disciples did not? What had He been doing that they had not?

Afterward in private, the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Why could not we cast him out?”

“And Jesus said unto them, BECAUSE OF YOUR UNBELIEF: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE to you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out BUT BY PRAYER AND FASTING.” (Matthew 17:20-21)

From Jesus’ words, we understand that there are deeply entrenched spirits that cannot be overcome without prayer and fasting.

[bctt tweet=”We have thrown a lot of PRAYER at our situations, which is needful, but FASTING is the missing element.” username=”patvickdotcom”]

Our Oneness, Apostolic, Pentecostal, Holiness Churches are filled with faithful saints, loving pastors, great orators, anointed teachers, generous givers, and even powerful prayer warriors. Those same churches, however, have very few people who FAST with any degree of depth or consistency.

It is understandable, then, that our church families continue to be weighed down and oppressed by deeply entrenched generational spirits such as:




On and on the list could go. What spirits continue to oppress your family even after years of consistent Word and prayer?

[bctt tweet=”If we want New Testament RESULTS, we must practice Early Church DISCIPLINES.” username=”patvickdotcom”]

A discipline must be practiced consistently to be effective.

Of all the spiritual disciplines, fasting is by far the most challenging. Yet, as we have already learned, it must be implemented if we are to be overcomers, as God’s Word assures us that we can be.

Flesh must be crucified. It’s the only way.

How much longer will we allow the same strongholds to keep us oppressed that oppressed our parents’ and grandparents’ generations?


If you have never fasted, start small. One meal this week is a start. Two meals next week is progress. Three meals the next week is one whole day.

Here is a simple, long-term fasting goal to work toward:
1 day a week
3 days a quarter
7 days bi-yearly
21 days a year

Let’s move some mountains!


*Please consult with your doctor before you begin any fasting regimen.
*Let him/her know of your plans to fast.
*Do not stop taking prescription medications without counseling with your doctor.
*Remember to drink plenty of water while fasting.


Do you have a testimony from a fasting experience?

I’d love for you to share it in the comments.
Do you have questions on fasting?

Leave them in the comments, and we’ll discuss them.

The Depths of Despair Are No Place For a Christian

Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

Just this week when things in my world were going splendidly (which should always give us pause), there was a glitch. A wrench in the gears. A leak in the boat…You get the idea. Something unexpected and potentially catastrophic occurred. In a moment, I went from being emotionally on top of the world to the backside of the desert. I received news that made my heart turn to lead in my chest.

My first reaction was disbelief. Immediately after I realized this new turn of events was really happening, I was engulfed by a wave of negative thoughts:

I should have known it was too good to be true. I was foolish to think it would go smoothly. We’ll probably never be truly peaceful. I’ll never let myself hope like that again.

Wait. What?

Those weren’t even my thoughts. An enemy had done this. Planted tares of negativity and hopelessness into my mind, and disguised them as my own thoughts. The Holy Ghost immediately rose up in me and helped me to think Truth. He helped me to remember how the Lord had recently turned this same horrible situation into a masterpiece. He had just given us beauty for ashes, and it only took one bump in the road for us to forget. I had gone from the pinnacle of glory to the depths of despair that easily.

In the beloved children’s book, Anne Of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, Anne asks Marilla, “Can’t you even IMAGINE you are in the depths of despair?”  To which Marilla abruptly replies, “No. I cannot. To despair is to turn your back on God.”

According to God’s Word, I must agree with Marilla.

 “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6)

If we allow ourselves to sink into despair, we definitely are not manifesting faith. Instead, we are letting negative emotions take over our thinking. When people are consumed with doubt, fear and unbelief, they cannot pray in faith. They cannot say to this mountain, be removed and cast into the sea.

This is the woeful condition that satan wants to trap us in. He knows that for every second he can get us to think negatively, it is  more probable that we will speak negatively. Once we speak negatively, we set an alternate set of circumstances in motion. What blessing the Lord wanted to bring, is derailed by our careless words.

[bctt tweet=”Once we speak negatively, we set an alternate set of circumstances in motion. What blessing the Lord wanted to bring, is derailed by our careless words.” username=”patvickdotcom”]

How do we stop this landslide of negative consequences?

First, we must recognize the attack for what it is. A trap of the enemy. We must know enough of God’s Word to recognize the devil’s work.

Second, we must remember how God has worked on our behalf in the past. When was the last prayer that God answered for us? When did we feel defeated, and yet He intervened?

Third, we must remind ourselves of all the wonders that God has specifically done for us. We must remind ourselves that we are children of the Great King.

Fourth, we must resist the devil, submit ourselves to God, and he will flee from us. We must resist his influence in our lives and his impression in our minds.

Fifth, we must return to the path of faith in God. We must begin to pray with power. Begging is not mountain-moving prayer. We must pray with the spiritual authority that Jesus name permits us.

Sixth, we must be aware of how the enemy works, and refuse to be deceived again. We must refuse to be emotionally corralled into a trap of despair.

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;”(2 Cor. 4:7-8)

Within just a few minutes of giving in to the feelings of despair, I remembered the goodness of God toward me. I stopped feeling sorry for myself, and started praying. I spoke faith-filled words in Jesus’ name until I felt them. I repented to the Lord of losing faith so quickly, and asked Him to forgive me. I committed to trust Him. After all, He has proven time and again to me that He is able to turn any situation around in a moment of time for His glory.

In case you doubted, He did it again, and He’ll do it for you! Praise God!

Warm Regards, -Pat


-Have you ever found yourself in the depths of despair even when you know God has been so good to you?

-What steps did you take to get out of that negative frame of mind?

-What scriptures would you share with someone who is struggling with despair?

As always, feel free to leave a comment, subscribe to my newsletter, and email me: Pat@PATVICK.COM.


A Lesson On Living (Not Dying)

“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.”
(Psalm 118:17)

Death is inevitable. This reality strikes fear into most people’s hearts, but when you learn the lesson of this thing called life, it will bring you comfort. The truth is you cannot live to the fullest until you acknowledge your mortality. Then, and only then, can you start truly living.

God’s Word instructs us to number our days. When you consider the brevity of twenty-four hours, then you can begin to appreciate a week, a year, a decade and a generation. You must then ask yourself, what can I do with this allotment of time that God has granted me?

I visited in the hospital today with a friend who is on a heart transplant waiting list. Even though his body is weakened and frail, he is possibly more alive than he has ever been. His senses were heightened. Every word was chosen meticulously for the meaning he wanted to convey. No trivial conversation polluted his speech.

He’s living for today. This minute. This hour. This breath. And it’s enough, because he knows it’s all he’s promised. He doesn’t feel cheated, as it’s all any of us are promised. Right now. He has simply learned to appreciate the gift of now.

How can I make now worthwhile? What can I talk about that will bring value to this moment? What can I think about that will proliferate goodness into the gift of now? What eye contact can I make that will infuse depth into this conversation? Will they feel the gratitude that I am willing my flesh to convey in this embrace? These are the questions he is asking himself, and we should ask ourselves, while we are living.

His eyes follow his wife around the small hospital room with admiration as she organizes their lives. Forty years of til death do us part, and all they know for sure is they have this moment. They’ve said all the things, and tied up all the loose ends. All that’s left to do is love deeply and hope, “and hope maketh not ashamed…” (Romans 5:5)

My friend was surrounded with lines, and probes, and beeping things. He was also surrounded with books. Two stacks within touching distance, and one under his hand. Lifelines. Why does a man who isn’t promised tomorrow read books? Why does he give himself to learning and growing? Because he isn’t dying. He’s living.

Also within reach were prayer cloths. A multicolored stack, as varied as the people who sent them. Flimsy little scraps of material that shouted, “YOU ARE NOT ALONE! WE AGREE TOGETHER IN JESUS’ NAME THAT YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! YOU ARE NOT DYING! YOU ARE LIVING!” I could tell by the way he pulled them close and gave them a squeeze that he believes their message.

I knew he had figured it out, this thing called living, as he spoke about people. Family members, grandchildren, Church family, visiting ministers. This one called. That one said. Lord Jesus, bless them. The law of kindness was in his mouth, and thankfulness was in his eyes, as he spoke about the people. He’s learned that stuff and flesh are temporal, but souls are eternal.

The final way I knew he had decided to live, wasn’t in what I saw, but what I felt and heard. The witness of God’s Holy Spirit declared to everyone in the room, and spilled into the corridor with utterances assuring,

“LIFE is here!”

“A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.“ (Ezekiel 36:26)