Most people think church is a building. A place to go. A weekly check in point. A social gathering to be seen, mix and mingle. A time to pull out the Good Book and talk to the Man Upstairs. Perhaps you equate church with Potluck Sunday or Dinner On The Ground.
Most people want church to fill in the gaps of their already hectic lives. They want to add church to whatever they’ve already got going on. It’s not Biker Church, Cowboy Church, Sports Club Church or any other aspect of your life that you want to add the word “church” to.
Church isn’t a what; It’s a who. It is the ECCLESIA: The Called Out. The church is a people who have responded to the call to come out of the world into the Kingdom of God.
[bctt tweet=”“Church isn’t a what; It’s a who. It is the ECCLESIA: The Called Out. The church is a people who have responded to the call to come out of the world into the Kingdom of God.”” username=”patvickdotcom”]
“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.“ (2 Corinthians 6:17-18)
Church is coming OUT and AWAY from previous lifestyles, cultures and beliefs INTO the culture and Kingdom of the Living God. It is a MAJOR change. A new way of THINKING and LIVING.
[bctt tweet=”“Church is coming OUT and AWAY from previous lifestyles, cultures and beliefs INTO the culture and Kingdom of the Living God. It is a MAJOR change. A new way of THINKING and LIVING.”” username=”patvickdotcom”]
Jesus left His Church in the hands of his disciples, who came to be known as Apostles. He left them with instructions on how His Church should function. It is impossible to have true Church in a way other than the way the Apostles had Church. You can find a very detailed account of the first generation church in the Book of Acts. (of the Apostles) If the Apostles believed it, preached it and lived it, that is what Church should be.
-The Apostles’ teaching and lifestyles included the necessity of the New Birth (Repentance, Baptism in Jesus’ name for the remission of sins, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in unknown tongues.)
-The Apostles’ teaching and lifestyle included signs, wonders and miracles done in Jesus’ name.
-The Apostles’ teaching and lifestyle included the belief in the Oneness of God. This meant very specifically that God, who is a Spirit, manifest Himself in the son to become the sacrifice for our sins. They believed this to their death and in the face of much persecution.
-The Apostles’ teaching and lifestyle included consistent fasting and prayer to subdue flesh and stay in communion with God,
-The Apostles’ teaching and lifestyle included extravagant worship.
-The Apostles’ teaching and lifestyle included the belief in Jesus’ second coming to the Earth to set up a natural Kingdom.
-The Apostles’ teaching and lifestyle included the belief in the Rapture or Catching Away of the Church to be with the Lord forever, at which time they would be changed from mortal to immortality.
-The Apostles’ teaching and lifestyle included the belief in Jesus’ Millennial Reign -When Jesus returns for His Church, He will rule and reign from Jerusalem for one thousand years, and we will rule and reign with Him.
The early Church was totally, 100%, unequivocally believers in the Oneness of God. When early converts were Born Again, they left their beliefs in multiple gods behind them. They came out from these idol worshiping beliefs of the surrounding heathen nations to believe in the one, true, living God whose name is Jesus. The erroneous doctrine of the trinity did not even exist and take root in the Church until the Nicene Council in 325 AD. Until this time, the early Church only baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, not in the titles, father, son and Holy Ghost.
No matter what sign is on your church building, the early Church was Pentecostal. Before denominations were a thing, when Believers were simply called “Christians,” they all experienced the fundamental infilling of the Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking in tongues. Pentecost means fifty. It was the Holy Day that occurred fifty days after Passover. It is God’s Holy Day that commemorates the giving of the Law to the children of Israel on Mount Sinai. On this day in Acts (of the Apostles) 2, God’s Holy Spirit was poured out on Jesus’ followers. They all spoke in languages unknown to them as evidence that they had been filled with the Holy Ghost. To be the Church is to have this Pentecostal experience.
The early Church didn’t try to fit Jesus into their way of living. They forsook everything about their former lives that was contrary to godliness. They were serious and persistent about rooting all sin from their lives. They didn’t have a list of rules to check off. They simply shed everything that related to worldliness: Lifestyles, culture, language, wardrobe, habits, vices, excesses, passions, pursuits, hobbies and pastimes. They walked away from it all into a life of service to Jesus.
Hopefully, what you want church to be, what you think church is and what church truly is has come into clear focus. One thing is for certain. Church will never be more or less than the example left by Jesus and His Apostles. Church isn’t a what; It’s a who. Be the Church.
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