I was driving to work when I realized I hadn’t even knelt and prayed before I left the house. I had read the Word, written my daily devotion, scanned Facebook, and then gotten ready and left for the day.
When I realized that I hadn’t made the time to pray, I immediately began making excuses…”Lord, this flesh is so hard to keep under control.”
He reminded me of Adam and Eve in the garden. Adam said pretty much the same thing about Eve…It was this woman you gave me…
If we take a look at Adam and Eve as spirit and flesh, we see Eve (flesh) being tempted. Adam (spirit) could and should have disciplined the flesh, but he didn’t. He chose to partake of the forbidden fruit when Eve offered it to him. Because of this, they were both judged.
It may feel like you have no control over your flesh, but that is a lie from the enemy of your soul. We must continually strengthen our spirit so that our flesh can stay disciplined.
“And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.” (Genesis 3:12)