4 Reasons Why Prayer Gets The Job Done

Men love tools. It doesn’t matter if they are city slickers or farmers, preachers or drunkards, musicians or writers, accountants or lumberjacks. They LOVE tools.

My husband and two sons have a vast and varied collection of tools. From precision machinist tools that will measure the minuscule width of a human hair to massive combines that harvest huge amounts of grain at once. Tools make everything easier. Having the right tool, and knowing how to use it, gets the job done, big or small.

A frustration of mine is to find tools that the men in my life just “had to have” still packaged in their boxes months, and even years later. At some point, they saw their need for the tool. They acted on that need to purchase the tool. They were so proud of the tool when they brought it home from the store. Yet, somehow the tool got pushed to the side and forgotten about.

It’s fun to see my husband find a tool that he had lost, or had forgotten that he had purchased. What excitement! It’s like Christmas or his birthday. Would you believe that sometimes those recently found tools get lost again without being used?!

The Church has a lost, forgotten, and definitely underused tool at our disposal called Prayer. There are countless tasks that are vying for our attention, and God has not left us unequipped. He has given us the tools that we need to get His work accomplished in the Earth during these last days.

Much of the time, we attempt to work the problem using our own finite reasoning. It’s a lot like using your teeth to open a soda bottle instead of a bottle opener. It’s not necessarily that it can’t be done, but it’s going to be less efficient at best, and painful at worst.

Why is it that we feel like we are not getting the job done if we resort to prayer first, rather than last? Why does that make us feel less than? Shouldn’t we be seeking for God to get all the glory?


  • Prayer is universal. It is not restricted by time, distance or language barriers. You can send a prayer to the other side of the world, into a specific situation, for a person who you can’t even communicate with. Prayer will get the job done.
  • Prayer is powerful. There is no other tool that can be depended on so certainly than prayer because it is backed by our all powerful God. Our prayers are limitless because our God is limitless. You can send a prayer strategically into an impossible situation, and prayer will get the job done.
  • Prayer is invisible. The enemy cannot see prayer coming. It is like a stealth military jet that can fly below the radar into enemy territory. You can send a prayer behind enemy lines, and get out without detection. Prayer will get the job done.
  • Prayer allows God’s will to be done. Many times we anguish over situations that we are powerless in our humanity to do anything about. Often, we don’t even know the words to say when we pray about them. When we pray in the Spirit (tongues), we allow God’s will to have free course. You can pray in tongues over a situation, and God will intervene in His divine wisdom. Prayer will get the job done.

No matter what situation you have in your life, what problem you are concerned with, or what craziness is going on in the world, PRAYER is the spiritual tool you should reach for first. Perhaps the tools in your spiritual toolbox have gotten lost or misplaced. It’s definitely worth rounding them up, getting them organized, and putting them to work. Prayer gets the job done!

Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

As always, I encourage your feedback. Blessings, -Pat

Everyone Dies. How Does This Make You Feel?

Precious in the sight of the LORD
is the death of his saints.” (Psalm 116:15)

Everyone dies. This statement brings me comfort. It should bring you comfort, as well. If it doesn’t, there is a deep spiritual reason as to why not.

You may ask, “How can the knowledge that everyone dies bring comfort? To me, it means that every single person who has ever lived (with the exception of Enoch and Elijah, but that’s for a different post) has passed through the doorway of death. From this life to the one that comes after. From this realm of existence to another which is just as real, but invisible to us at the moment.

To die is not to travel a path that no one has ever travelled before. On the contrary, it is a well-worn path which has been traversed by doctors, lawyers, presidents, kings, drunkards, drug addicts, worshipers, prayer warriors, sinners and saints, the very good and the very evil. All have passed through this door. So will I. So will you.

Knowing that I will one day pass through this doorway should not cause me to fear. It should give me solace in the fact that death is natural. It is part of living. We are born. We live. We die. Unfortunately, most of humanity spend so much of their time dreading dying, that they never truly live.

If I spend my allotted time so fearful of death, how can I make my life matter? It is the knowledge that I will one day die which causes me to pursue the most noble life possible. The realization that I only have so many decades, years, days, moments, breaths and heartbeats to make something valuable of my life keeps me hyper focused on the importance of every decision I make.

Everyone dies. Again, I point out that if this statement causes you undue anxiety, then something is off kilter between you and God. People who have a deep and abiding relationship with their Creator know that He is working all things for their good. We are assured in His Word that He has gone to prepare a place for us, so that He can bring us to live with Him and the saints of all the ages forever. We know that when the God of all glory came in the form of a man, Jesus Christ, that He gave Himself as the only perfect and pure sacrifice for our sins. We read that even though he died for our sins, He also was resurrected to immortality. So will we be if we are born again according to His Word, and abide in Him.

When Jesus died on the cross, He didn’t go to his death kicking and screaming in fear. On the contrary, He declared, “It is finished,” and gave up the ghost. (The Holy Ghost) He knew that He had accomplished everything He had come to do. He was ready to yield His flesh to the process of death, and walk through the doorway into the spiritual realm.

Everyone dies, but I will live forever. Yes, my body will die, but my spirit, the part of me that is conscious and aware, will go immediately to be in the presence of the Lord. At the rapture of the Church, my spirit will be joined to a new and immortal body, and I will live with Jesus and the saints of all the ages for all eternity.

Even though my flesh shrinks away from the thought of possible suffering, everyone dies, and I am comforted by that fact.


“Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day.” (1 Timothy 5:5)

There is a call going out from the throne room of God in these last days. It is an urgent and fervent plea for the saints of God to pray and fast like never before. The call is to all who will hear and obey. However, there is one group of people that is equipped to accomplish it better than any other.

There are those among us who are often forgotten or overlooked. This is a terrible tragedy since they hold the greatest potential for ushering true revival into the world. Widows, who the apostle Paul called “widows indeed,” meaning they have their eyes set on Jesus, and not the pleasures of the world. They spend their time in prayer and fasting, seeking God for their families, and for a lost and dying world.

These women are the unheralded heroes among us. They often feel that they have lost their purpose. Perhaps they were pastor’s or minister’s wives. Their lives were previously filled with ministry, and now they sit alone waiting for an opportunity to serve again.

We often see them as precious and fragile pieces of porcelain that must be set on the highest shelves to keep them safe. We unknowingly label them as relics of the past. Yet, inside of their very being are vaults of wisdom gleaned from lifetimes of experiences. What a waste. What a shame. What a tragedy.

We must pull widows indeed from the safe storage boxes that we have relegated them to. We must interact with them. We must sit at their feet and learn. We must listen. Most of all, we must encourage them to pray and fast for our families, congregations, communities, nation and world.

Calling. All. Widows. God leans in to hear your prayers. If you are desiring to minister, and don’t know when, where or how to make that happen, I encourage you to enter into a season of prayer and fasting. I beseech you to go before the throne of God for the Body of Christ as only you can. The Spirit is calling you to your greatest and finest hour of selfless ministry.

Look around you. We are in the last days before Jesus returns for His bride, the Church. If we are going to have revival, it needs to be now. If we are going to reach the lost, it needs to be now. If we are going to do something beneficial for the Kingdom, it needs to be now.

Calling. All. Widows. We need you more than we ever have before. In this winter season of your life, you are truly more valuable than you have ever been.

“Now she that is a widow indeed, and desolate, trusteth in God, and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day.” (1 Timothy 5:5)

It’s Time To Close The Curtains

My little home library is a haven for me. It’s where I pray, study, write, and regularly get alone with God. It’s a peaceful, yet powerful place.

The wall in front of my desk has double windows. I often look out those windows to see the beauty of the day. Deer making their way through the field to drink in the lake. Geese meandering through the yard. Birds socializing at the feeder. Chickens strolling across my front porch, giving me “the eye” because I haven’t brought out any treats for them.

I thought all this was relaxation, but I realized it was actually distraction recently when a crew of yard workers arrived to refresh our shrub beds. They arrived very early one morning, and didn’t leave until very late in the evening. I spent that whole day trying to work in my library while they worked outside. Epic fail.

I told myself that would never happen again, and invested in curtains and a curtain rod right away. When I first hung the curtains, I was a bit sad that I couldn’t see the beautiful view in front of my house.

The next morning, however, was a different story. I came into my special place, and felt truly alone with God. There were no distractions. I could actually think, pray, study and create.

When God delivered the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage by the hand of Moses, He gave them the plans for a place to meet with Him. The Tabernacle was a mobile church.

Surrounding the Tent of Meeting were curtains. Wouldn’t its purpose still be the same without all the curtains to deal with? Wouldn’t it function the same? Sure. The Tabernacle would still function, but the people wouldn’t.

God knew the worshippers would require something to block all of the desert distractions from view. In order to truly get alone with God, they needed curtains.

Many of the things that we feel like are pleasant and satisfying in our lives are only distractions. I can’t tell you what they are in your life. Only you can do that. I will tell you that if you’re not able to get alone with God regularly, and focus on Him, and Him alone, there’s a reason.

If you truly want to enhance your experience with God on a daily basis, begin by letting some other things go. Cut some things loose.

I encourage you to purchase a set of curtains. Hang them. Pull them closed, and it will become clear what has been distracting you from your time alone with God and His purpose for your life.

“Moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work shalt thou make them.” (Exodus 26:1)

What’s The Big Deal About Being Born Again?

Here’s the situation: Jesus told Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, that unless a man is BORN AGAIN he cannot see the Kingdom of God. That makes it a pretty big deal.

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3)

At Nicodemus’ confusion concerning how he was expected to be born a second time from his mother’s womb, Jesus explained further that this New Birth would include WATER and SPIRIT, and that it was necessary to ENTER the Kingdom of God.

“Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (John 3:4-5)


Good question! I’m glad you asked, because the answer is so very important. If you are truly born again, you will have experienced the WATER and SPIRIT being applied to your life that Jesus spoke of.


Again, another very good question. We must turn to the Word of God, the book of Acts in particular, to find the answer. We need to find out how Jesus’ apostles followed through with his instructions.


In Acts 2, one hundred and twenty of Jesus’ disciples were gathered in an upper room in Jerusalem, waiting for the wonderful gift that Jesus had promised them before he ascended into Heaven. After ten days of praying, they all received the Gift of the Holy SPIRIT, and began to speak in unknown languages/tongues.

When the crowds in the streets heard them speaking in tongues, they thought they were crazy, or even drunk. But Peter stood up and preached that this was actually the gift of the Holy SPIRIT that the disciples had received.

After the crowd listened to Peter preach about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, they wanted to know how they could be saved. This is what Peter told them:

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.” (Acts 2:38-39)

Three thousand people believed Peter’s message, repented of their sins, were baptized in Jesus’ name, and were filled with the Holy Spirit that day.


In Acts 8, Philip preached Jesus to the Samaritans. They believed his preaching, and were baptized in Jesus’ name. They didn’t receive the Holy Spirit at this time, but it was so important that Philip called in reinforcements. He asked Peter and John to come and help him pray for the people. When they arrived, they laid their hands on the people who had been baptized in WATER in Jesus’ name, and then they received the Holy Ghost/SPIRIT.

“Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John: Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 8:14-17)


Cornelius was a good man. Actually, he was a very good man. He loved God. He prayed. He gave money to the poor. He served God to the best of his ability, and with what knowledge he had. You would think that such a good man as Cornelius was would for sure be saved. I mean, that’s who Heaven is for, right? Good people?

Actually, the truth is that Heaven is for BORN AGAIN PEOPLE. We can never be good enough on our own to deserve a place in Heaven. Thankfully, God loved Cornelius so much that He went above and beyond to bring a preacher to him to tell him what he needed to do.

It’s a miraculous story full of visions and angelic visitations that you can read about in Acts 10. The point is that God. Add a way for Cornelius and his family to hear the TRUTH of their need to be BORN AGAIN of WATER and SPIRIT.

“While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter, Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord…” (Acts 10:44-47)


In Acts 19, the Apostle Paul ran across some Believers in Jesus. He asked them if they had received the Holy Ghost yet. (With no cellphones, word travelled rather slowly) They didn’t even know what the Holy Ghost was!!! Paul asked the most obvious next question. How were you baptized??? He k ew if they had been baptized in Jesus’ name, they should have also known about the Holy Ghost.

It turns out that they had been baptized by John the Baptist. This made perfect sense to Paul now. He explained to them that John only baptized u to repentance, but that John had told his followers to believe on Jesus when He showed up on the scene. Now, everyone was expected to be baptized in Jesus’ name to take away their sins.

Maybe you have seen yourself in one of these groups of people.

  • Perhaps you know absolutely nothing about Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection to purchase your salvation.
  • Perhaps you’ve never heard that you need to be BORN AGAIN to go to Heaven.
  • Perhaps you have just assumed that when you accepted Jesus has your personal Savior, that automatically meant you were born again.
  • Perhaps you have been baptized using a different formula than in Jesus’ name.
  • Perhaps you know nothing about the Holy Ghost/Spirit.

I urge you to follow the steps that Jesus and His Apostles laid out so plainly. The pattern has been set. Have you been BORN AGAIN of the WATER (Baptism in Jesus’ name) and the SPIRIT (Infilling of the Holy Ghost/God’s Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues)?

Warm Regards, -Pat Vick PAT@PATVICK.COM 





GUEST POST by Doug Ellingsworth: How To Thrive Spiritually In Troublesome Times

Paul was most likely not struggling with a coronavirus pandemic when he wrote the letter we call Second Timothy, but there’s no doubt that he had plenty of troubles on his mind. A prisoner confined in Rome, Paul could feel the hot breathe of the executioner on his neck. Most of his missionary team was scattered throughout the region, leaving only Luke close at hand.

Paul had left a good coat and his books in a town he’d passed through some months before, and was desperately needing to see Timothy and Mark face-to-face. So, grabbing his pen and parchment, he sat down and wrote a quick note that he hoped would bring his friends, his coat, and his books to his prison in Rome before winter set in.

But you know preachers. They can’t just get to the point. They’ve got to surround every suggestion and instruction with a couple of sermons and a life lesson or two. And I’m glad that Paul did because, in his short letter to Timothy, we learn how we can thrive spiritually in these troublesome and turbulent days.

In chapter two, Paul lets Timothy know that, while he may be confined to prison, he is aware of what’s happening in the world. He knows about the debates and arguing and the push to choose sides. He’s aware that preachers have left the Church and are deliberately preaching the opposite of what they had been taught. He’s heard the endless wicked chatter spewed by men who fuss over words without giving the pain they are causing a second thought.

Paul knows that he can’t let the evil in the world suck the life and hope and faith out of these young men’s hearts. He wants them to know that the world’s most vile cannot overpower Heaven’s redeemed. And in his encouraging words to a young preacher two thousand years ago, we find a guide through the spiritual darkness that tries to blind us.

“Despite all these bad things I’ve just told you,” Paul wrote, “The foundation of God stands sure” (II Timothy 2:19). An earth filled with screaming and hateful humans cannot shake, tilt, or crack the foundation that God has laid. His foundation stands sure, and there is nothing that the forces of evil can do that will disturb it.

And the reason evil can’t touch it? The reason that hell’s best cannot faze it? Because that foundation is occupied, it is sealed, by the children of God. God knows them that are His.

And that is the foundation you can confidently stand upon. God knows you! And when you stand upon the foundation He has built, nothing man or hell can do can shake you out of His care.

That’s what God does for you. But the rest of your spiritual success is up to you. You’ve got to make choices and decisions that keep you standing firmly upon that sure foundation of God. You can not only survive through this pandemic, but you can thrive spiritually if you will do what Paul instructed Timothy to do in the rest of chapter two.


  • First, he said to depart from iniquity – or unrighteousness. You’ve got to get out of sinful environments (verse 19). Stop sinning!
  • Next, he told him to quit hanging around with people who would not clean themselves up (verses 20-21). Choose your friends carefully.
  • He then told Timothy to stop letting his fleshly desires drive his decisions, but to think and behave like a mature person (verse 22).
  • The next instruction that Paul gave sometimes gets lost in the words surrounding it, so let’s look at verse 22 again. “Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” So, in contrast to letting your fleshly impulses drive your actions, instead, Paul says, we should deliberately follow righteousness, faith, love, and peace. But note that he adds with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

You cannot thrive spiritually without a church family. Associating with a bunch of good people doesn’t fit the prescription. Neither does simply fellowshipping with people who call on the name of the Lord. Paul said, as you pursue these important things, you’ve got to do it with a group of folks who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Not perfect or self-righteous people, but people who have no other agenda than to be formed into His likeness by His word and spirit.

Do you need a church? Paul thought it was essential.

In summary, Paul said we can be secure in God IF we will stop sinning, IF we quit hanging around with people who love sin, and IF we will choose actions that produce righteousness, faith, love, and peace within a family of believers.

Oh, and one last thing Paul said:

  • Don’t be a quarreler. Be the kind of person that folks like to approach (verse 24).  God knows them that are His, remember? And that eliminates any need for a busybody.

If this sick and confused world has you worried, read this short letter again and you’ll be reminded that God’s people do not need to live in fear. Take courage and let hope soar! The foundation of God remains sure, and He knows you are His.

Now, do your part and thrive!
-Doug Ellingsworth 

Doug Ellingsworth is a Pastor with the United Pentecostal Church International, Board-certified Crisis Chaplain, Husband to Anita, Father of two grown children, and Grandfather to twin grandboys. He is the author of several books, and is a prolific blogger. You can find more of his writing and information about his books at dougellingsworth.com 

Doug & Anita Ellingsworth







When God’s Love Won’t Save You

As I scroll through my social media feeds, I see posts from well-meaning professors of Christianity. These posts are usually in the form of a poster or meme that has been circulated and shared over and over.

Statements such as TRUST GOD WITH YOUR PROBLEMS or IF YOU DON’T STAND FOR GOD, YOU’ll FALL FOR ANYTHING or GOD WILL COME THROUGH FOR YOU fill my newsfeed. There’s certainly nothing false about these declarations. I wonder, though, whether people who are scrolling through social media really take them to heart…Or, even more importantly, maybe they DO take them to heart, and use them to feel justified in continuing to live in sin while professing themselves to be Christians.

People who are living in sin don’t need to be rocked into spiritual slumber with CHRISTIAN CLICHES. They don’t need to feel comfortable in their sinful lifestyle. Allowing the sinner to believe they can continue in their sin, and just WAIT ON GOD to come and turn their life around for them will be to the destruction of their souls.

If you are living in sin, no amount of catchy, faith-building phrases will make you right with God. You must repent, and turn away from sin.

If you are a born-again Christian, the world doesn’t need you to make them feel safe and secure in their sin. The world needs a CHURCH who will PROCLAIM TRUTH to the point that sinners will:

  1. Be Convicted.
  2. Turn from their sin.
  3. Repent.
  4. Be baptized in Jesus’ name for the remission of sins.
  5. Receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in tongues.
  6. Live a holy and sanctified life.

Born-again Christians need to listen to themselves through the ears of the world, and read their posts through the world’s eyes. We need to communicate Bible Truths in a way that brings CONVICTION, and offers HOPE…but NOT the latter WITHOUT the former.

In this time of “any way you like it,” our voices need to give CLEAR INSTRUCTION, and not mamby-pamby, feel good phrases that offer DECEPTION, and not DIRECTION. I want my life and witness to be more than a CHRISTIAN CLICHE.

GOD IS LOVE, but even His love won’t save a person who refuses to REPENT and OBEY the Word. His love will DRAW you, but YOU MUST RESPOND.

“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.” (Acts 2:38-40)

What Will It Take For You To Live For God?

My heart is so absolutely burdened for people who refuse to turn to God in repentance. I have seen people I love go through sickness almost unto death. Bizarre illnesses that I refuse to believe are only coincidences. Life threatening injuries. I have interceded in prayer, and the Lord has been merciful over and over again.

A worldwide pandemic, riots in the major cities of America, the most destructive weather events ever recorded, prophecies being fulfilled left and right…How much more do you need to see and experience before you turn to the Lord in true repentance?

If you think it’s going to get easier, it won’t. If you think there will be a more convenient time, there won’t. If you think you’ll have the fortitude to turn to the Lord when all Hell breaks loose, even though you refuse to now, you won’t. If you think that you will find a loophole in order to be exempt from judgement, you won’t.

“If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?” (Jeremiah 12:5)

I beg you with tears in my eyes, and intercession on my lips, please turn to God. Please repent. Please fall on the Rock and be broken, before He falls on you, and grinds you to powder.

“And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” (Luke 20:17-18)

Do you truly believe that your way is better than His? No good can come from resisting His Will for your life. He loves you with a love deeper than you’ve ever known. True love. True peace. True salvation. True hope. True life. Why wouldn’t you want that?

It Takes A Thinking Person To Serve The Lord: Is That You?

It takes a thinking person to serve the Lord. A rational person. A person who can clearly see the difference between daylight and dark. A person who can follow basic instructions. A person who is able to recognize the voice of reason. Is that you?

It takes a thinking person to serve the Lord. It doesn’t have to be a highly educated person. A well known person. Someone with a charismatic personality. A born leader. As a matter of fact, most of the time, these things are hinderances, rather than helps. Is that you?

It takes a thinking person to serve the Lord. A person who is willing to read or listen to God’s Word, and truly hear it. A person who can be honest with themselves. A person who will look inside themselves, and ask, “Am I living according to His Word? Does my life look like Jesus?” Is that you?

It takes a thinking person to serve the Lord. A person who understands that confusion and chaos are not of God. A person who recognizes the need for order in a civilized society. A person who will separate themselves from lawlessness, and will submit themselves to a true man of God, and his spiritual authority. Is that you?

It takes a thinking person to serve the Lord. A person who is willing to take all of the feelings and emotions that are bottled up inside to the throne of God. A person who will bow their knees, and lift their voices to Jesus Christ, the King of kings, and say, “I’m a mess. Please help me!” Is that you?

It takes a thinking person to serve the Lord. A person who is willing to follow through with what the Lord instructs in His Word. A person who is willing to make good with actions, and not just talk. A person that will make the decision to do whatever it takes to be right with God. Is that you?

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” (Isaiah 1:14-20)