Men love tools. It doesn’t matter if they are city slickers or farmers, preachers or drunkards, musicians or writers, accountants or lumberjacks. They LOVE tools.
My husband and two sons have a vast and varied collection of tools. From precision machinist tools that will measure the minuscule width of a human hair to massive combines that harvest huge amounts of grain at once. Tools make everything easier. Having the right tool, and knowing how to use it, gets the job done, big or small.
A frustration of mine is to find tools that the men in my life just “had to have” still packaged in their boxes months, and even years later. At some point, they saw their need for the tool. They acted on that need to purchase the tool. They were so proud of the tool when they brought it home from the store. Yet, somehow the tool got pushed to the side and forgotten about.
It’s fun to see my husband find a tool that he had lost, or had forgotten that he had purchased. What excitement! It’s like Christmas or his birthday. Would you believe that sometimes those recently found tools get lost again without being used?!
The Church has a lost, forgotten, and definitely underused tool at our disposal called Prayer. There are countless tasks that are vying for our attention, and God has not left us unequipped. He has given us the tools that we need to get His work accomplished in the Earth during these last days.
Much of the time, we attempt to work the problem using our own finite reasoning. It’s a lot like using your teeth to open a soda bottle instead of a bottle opener. It’s not necessarily that it can’t be done, but it’s going to be less efficient at best, and painful at worst.
Why is it that we feel like we are not getting the job done if we resort to prayer first, rather than last? Why does that make us feel less than? Shouldn’t we be seeking for God to get all the glory?
- Prayer is universal. It is not restricted by time, distance or language barriers. You can send a prayer to the other side of the world, into a specific situation, for a person who you can’t even communicate with. Prayer will get the job done.
- Prayer is powerful. There is no other tool that can be depended on so certainly than prayer because it is backed by our all powerful God. Our prayers are limitless because our God is limitless. You can send a prayer strategically into an impossible situation, and prayer will get the job done.
- Prayer is invisible. The enemy cannot see prayer coming. It is like a stealth military jet that can fly below the radar into enemy territory. You can send a prayer behind enemy lines, and get out without detection. Prayer will get the job done.
- Prayer allows God’s will to be done. Many times we anguish over situations that we are powerless in our humanity to do anything about. Often, we don’t even know the words to say when we pray about them. When we pray in the Spirit (tongues), we allow God’s will to have free course. You can pray in tongues over a situation, and God will intervene in His divine wisdom. Prayer will get the job done.
No matter what situation you have in your life, what problem you are concerned with, or what craziness is going on in the world, PRAYER is the spiritual tool you should reach for first. Perhaps the tools in your spiritual toolbox have gotten lost or misplaced. It’s definitely worth rounding them up, getting them organized, and putting them to work. Prayer gets the job done!
”Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
As always, I encourage your feedback. Blessings, -Pat