1. Church Attendance
If you deliberately miss church, it may bother you at first (and it should), but the more you miss, the less it will bother you. After a while, it won’t take much to cause you to miss.
2. Tithing
If you are a faithful tither, and you decide to skip, at first it may bother you, but it will be easier the next time. You have started on a downward path, and it is not easy to turn around, and get back on track.
3. Bible Reading
Bible reading provides a foundation for our faith. It gives substance to our walk with God. The only way I know to be a faithful Bible reader is to set yourself up on a program you can live with. Pick a version of the Bible you can understand.
I like to start my day by reading one or two of the Psalms. It seems to open my spirit to God. Beyond that, for many years, I have read through the Bible at least once each year. You will have to average almost 4 chapters each day to do that.
You may not be able to do that much, but you can start by reading one of the Psalms, and a chapter from the New Testament each day. Do your best to keep it up, and after a while, you will be “hooked on the Book.”
You’ll be glad you pressed on!