Freedom Is A Beautiful Word

Photo by Brad Dodson on Unsplash


It’s a beautiful word.

It sounds beautiful, and it feels beautiful to the speaker and the hearer.

Here are a few definitions of FREEDOM from DICTIONARY.COM:

-the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.

-exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.

-the power to determine action without restraint.

Most every person, whether they’ve learned the technical definition or not, understand the word. Every one of us has longed for freedom from something. Whether it’s freedom from physical or emotional slavery, freedom from an abusive relationship, freedom from addictions, freedom from a tyrannical government, freedom from our past or freedom from our own tortuous thoughts, we all have felt the longing to be liberated. Freedom is a beautiful word.

Author Maya Angelou published her autobiography, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings in 1969. Having never read her book (which I will soon rectify), I’m still moved by the image the title evokes in my mind’s eye. A small bird, alone in its confinement, with its face toward the sun, singing it’s little heart out. I’ll find out Maya Angelou’s why when I read her story, but I imagine the caged bird sings out of hope. Humans and all of God’s creatures are born with an innate sense of hope. A hope for freedom. Freedom is a beautiful word.

Today is July 4th, the day Americans celebrate our freedom of independence. There will be flags unfurled, grills fired up, tables spread and the sky will be aglow with explosions of color. America The Beautiful will be sung with pride, Corn Hole tournaments will ensue and laughter will dominate the atmosphere of every family gathering. Freedom is a beautiful word.

Sadly, after the celebrations are over, flags are folded for another year, fireworks have burned out, the music has quieted, this year’s Corn Hole champion has been crowned and the laughter has retreated into a heavy evening hush, many will still not be free.

Sooner or later, every individual must come to the  realization that no government, politician, patriotic song or peer group can truly make one free. True freedom only comes through Jesus Christ, and specifically through being Born Again according to His Word (Acts 2:38)

I remember when I was baptized in Jesus’ name. When I came up out of the water, I felt completely free from sin. Likewise, I remember when I received the Holy Ghost (God’s Spirit). I was standing in the aisle of Rushings Chapel Pentecostal Church. I lifted my hands in surrender, began worshiping the Lord out loud, and He poured His Spirit into me, changing my English praises into a language I had never learned. I felt completely free from fear which had plagued me my whole life.

While I am exceedingly thankful to be an American, being Born Again of the water and the Spirit is what truly brings freedom. I will add my personal definition of freedom to those listed above: to be liberated from sin and fear.

”If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

Yes, freedom is a beautiful word.

In Jesus’ Name,


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