I went to the Memphis Zoo with my grand boys yesterday. They were smitten with all the animals, but the rhinos were definitely at the top of their list. The elephants are always my favorite. They are surprisingly agile for their size, super smart and live a very long time, especially in captivity.
One of the elephants we saw was Bambi, pronounced “Bom-bee.” This sweet girl had no tusks. She had never grown any. The elephant keeper explained that Bambi, and many tuskless elephants like her, are the result of mankind affecting nature in a negative way.
Elephants need their tusks to break tree limbs, and strip them of their bark to eat. Because Bambi doesn’t have tusks, she has to resort to other less efficient means of working her food. The possibility of Bambi having a baby with tusks is slim because she carries this defective gene.
In the wild, poachers kill elephants for their ivory tusks. Hence, the healthiest and most genetically superior animals are killed, and the genetically weakest animals survive. The result is a lineage of animals with genetic abnormalities who have to learn to survive the best way they can, yet never with the maximum potential of earlier predecessors.
This got me to thinking about the theory of evolution. This theory claims that all animals came from a single cell creature. (which would have had to become “alive” at some point, but I digress.) Through millennia of eons past, these living organisms split to become multi-cell organisms, then simple reactive creatures, and finally, intelligent animals, capable of making decisions and forming relationships…
- In the wild, African Elephants are being poached for their tusks. The elephants that remain produce a lineage that is weaker genetically, and are less superior in health and physical ability.
- A defective cell cannot produce a healthy cell. Hence the presence and power of cancer.
- Any living thing that is genetically defective will produce offspring with less genetic integrity, not better.
- An organism or creature that wasn’t strong enough to make it to the next level of maturity, would not then produce a stronger offspring the next time around. It would continue to produce weak offspring which would not survive. The so called “evolution” process of that lineage would cease at that weak point.
- Have you ever heard the saying, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link?” This is so true, because it’s at that point of weakness that the chain will break under stress. The same is true for any living organism. It is only as strong as its weakest cell. It’s at that point of cellular weakness that the organism will “break” under stress.
- We even see this same digression in human family lineages. The likelihood of a biological family with a genetic disorder passing this defect on to their children is probable.
Millions of years of cellular defects can in no way produce the vibrant, healthy, intelligent creatures that we see in our world today. On the contrary, the magnificent menagerie of creatures we see today are only a shadow of the perfection that God created only six thousand years ago. That’s right. In only six millennia, BECAUSE SIN ENTERED INTO THE WORLD, every generation of living organisms has declined in intelligence and beauty.
God created the earth, every plant and animal, as well as the first man and woman in perfection. Had they not sinned, they would have lived and reproduced in this perfect state forever. When they did sin, however, DEATH began to work in their bodies. As a result, everything and everyone must suffer death at some point.
“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” (Genesis 1:31)
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Romans 5:12)
The entrance of poachers’ influence into Bambi’s genetic lineage can be compared to a disease or natural obstacle that would hinder the growth and maturity of any living creature. Until Jesus comes back for His people, and sets this sinful world aright, humanity and every other living thing will continue in a state of decline, not in a process of evolution to a higher form. Let’s put our trust in Him instead of a theory full of weak links.
Leave me a comment to let me know what you think.
Warm Regards, -Pat