I began attending Nashville Men’s Conference as a teenager with my brother, father and grandfather. Those annual trips made a deep spiritual, mental and emotional impact on me that has shaped my purpose to be a man of God. This years’ conference was particularly special because it was the first that my son Jamon has attended with me. I hesitated to bring him. My concern was as a six year old boy he was too young. But he persisted and I decided to reinforce his desire to be with faith-filled men. It was the right decision. The altar service in the first Saturday morning service this year was one I’ll never forget. Simply being in the presence of God with Jamon and men of like precious faith radically strengthened my heart. Those moments are what every generation desperately needs.
I’ve never studied another time in history that is comparable to the spirit of the current age; it is opposing the sovereign design of God for men. Western culture is being emasculated by reprobate philosophies and the doctrine of devils. As Americans we are witnessing an unprecedented attack on Biblical Manhood. The writers of sitcom scripts and school curriculums, and even social media influencers are broadcasting an antichrist bias that puts a toxic warning label on masculinity. Simultaneously, the absence of the paternal roll in the North American home has been normalized. Compounded by the most potent synthetic drugs known to man and socially acceptable alcoholism, boys are losing their way before they ever have a chance to find their footing. If we would be bold enough to feel it, we will recognize that we’re in a social drift toward Sodom and Gomorra. These facts should affirm our conviction that a holy convocation of men has never been more relevant.
Biblically speaking, there are essentially three relationships that comprise manhood. Fatherhood, Sonship and Brotherhood are championed, celebrated and reinforced at Nashville Men’s Conference. The Apostle Paul shamelessly reminded us that he fathered us through the gospel and that his paternal roll could not be replaced by an instructor, coach or mentor. Discipleship ministries are not engineered in evangelical program laboratories, they come to life in the labor and delivery rooms of the reborn. Not even tens of thousands of Christian instructors are a suitable alternative to Apostolic Fatherhood. As Pentecostal men, we make no apologies for the everlasting paternal identity of God that is revealed in our drive to procreate disciples.
In the Hebrew culture, a son was considered a gift from God. Families understood that sonship held the promise and potential of familial heritage and spiritual “Messiahship”. Is it any wonder that Moses’ Pharaoh, Jesus’ Herod and our generation’s planned parenthood clinics set their sights on killing off what The Lord has gifted? Staring headlong into the end-time, we gather at Men’s Conference to remind ourselves that not all of those that will prophesy have been aborted. And not unlike S, sons are still being brought to The Church to serve The Lord.
The image and identity of God was revealed as The Son. Christ was the express image of His person. And His predestined purpose was to be the firstborn among many brethren. Following His resurrection, Jesus deliberately instructed those that saw Him alive to go and tell His brothers to meet Him in Galilee. Now as then, the design of The New Testament Church is activated when men dwell together with Him. And that Christlike camaraderie is a key driver in the spiritual motivation felt every year that I gather with my brothers in Nashville.
In our Sunday worship service after Men’s Conference, my son Jamon stepped out from his seat and danced in praise before The Lord. No one coaxed or commanded him. I simply believe after seeing it on full display in the preceding days, he too is choosing to Pursue Biblical Manhood. -Jason Pearcy
Bro. Jason Pearcy, along with his wife, Rahdona, are Tennessee North American Missions Church Planters. The Pearcys founded and pastor Tower of Pentecost United Pentecostal Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
*Nashville Mens Conference is an annual event, hosted by First Church, Nashville.