Jesus’ Prayers Are Still At Work
Do you realize that Jesus prayed for you? Those prayers are still at work in your life -leading, guiding, protecting and comforting you. If Jesus knew and acted on the need to pray ahead of time, so should we.
“I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” (John 17:15)
Prayers never die. That is a comforting thought to me. It gives me a measure of peace to know that every single prayer anyone has ever prayed for me is still working for my good, even if that person is no longer alive. Also, every prayer that I have personally ever prayed is still alive and well. That doesn’t mean that I don’t need to pray today, but it does mean that If I’m having a stressful day, I can lean on prayers that I prayed in the past.
If you’re like me, and the rest of humanity, you have rough days. You might be sick, overwhelmed by decisions that need to be made, the recipient of someone else’s terrible choices, or even your own terrible choices. Some days, I wake up feeling like I can go to hell with a water gun (as my husband likes to say.) Other days, I stumble and fumble, just trying to make it through the day in one piece. On these days, I can barely think right thoughts, and I certainly don’t pray my best prayers.
Proactive Prayers
With this in mind, I make a point to intentionally pray for my future self when I’m going through difficult times. On a beautiful sunny day, when I’m feeling well, and there are no major catastrophes to deal with, I will pray like this:
”Lord Jesus, thank you for this moment. Thank you for the sunshine, the strength in my body, the peace I feel in my soul, and that I can feel you so very present with me right now. Lord, on some day in the future, when I don’t feel well, when I’m confused, or sick or anxious or overwhelmed, remind me of this moment. On that day, hear this prayer that I’m praying right now, and touch me. Give me peace, and remind me that you’re bringing me through that situation. Remind me that you’re working for my good, and that the difficult season will pass. In Jesus’ name.”
I’ve also learned that when I’m having a difficult day I can call to remembrance the prayers I’ve prayed in the past. That prayer might sound something like this:
“Lord Jesus, I feel terrible. I’m so confused. I feel like giving up. I feel so hopeless. I feel like there is no end in sight to this situation. It feels like it’s going to go on forever. BUT I remember that day when I was walking in the sunshine. I felt so good, and I was full of faith and joy. I remember praying for this exact moment. I didn’t know when it would come, but you knew. Lord, I’m calling on that prayer right now, and the faith I felt on that day. Let me feel that hope, faith and joy. Thank you for letting me remember that this is only a season, and a good season is right around the corner. In Jesus’ name.”
I might also say:
“Lord, I’m calling to your remembrance every prayer that has ever been prayed for me for peace and victory. Prayers that Granny prayed for me as we knelt in the blue bedroom all those years ago, let those prayers come before your throne right now, and pour out the answers to them at this moment.”
Praying A Hedge of Protection
Of course, I pray for myself and my family to be protected as we go through our days because we never know what the satan has planned for us that we will need a Divine Intervention for. As for future protection, there is one prayer that I have prayed over and over since being Born Again. I have seen so many people give up on their relationship with God when they’re going through difficulties. To preempt the mental attacks that I know will come in the future, I have prayed this prayer many times:
“Father, if there comes a time in the future that I become confused or disoriented spiritually. If I begin to wander away from your will, I pray on this day while I’m in my right mind, that you will keep me forcibly in your will until I am thinking right again. Don’t allow me fall into temptation and be led away from your will. On that day, I pray that you would remember this prayer that I’m praying today. In Jesus’ name.
Be Proactive In Prayer
[bctt tweet=”“The biggest reason our prayers are not answered is because we don’t pray them.”” username=”patvickdotcom”]
Prayer is serious business, and accompanied by the Word, it is the Christian’s greatest weapon against spiritual darkness. I’m not an elite prayer warrior like Sis. Vesta Mangun or Sis. Joy Haney, but I do believe God hears and answers my prayers, as He does yours. The biggest reason our prayers are not answered is because we don’t pray them. Pray now. Pray in advance.
Warm Regards, -Pat
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