Yesterday, I sat in an “express care” line for about an hour and a half to be tested for YOU KNOW…I tested negative:) As I pulled away and headed home, I thought, What a waste of time! I could have been doing something productive with those hours. Then reality set in, and I wondered if I had those hours back, would I actually use them productively?
Distractions. We face them countless times throughout the day. Some people the devil can get to sin. Others, he can get distracted. Let that sink in.
Just trying to get through my Bible reading this morning, I felt the continuous pull to check my social media. I may or may not have given in…I have to refocus very often.
Let’s ask ourselves a few questions:
1. What is it that I’m suppose to be accomplishing in my life?
-This will be more than one thing. It will be comprised of one or more ministries, but also practical and family related tasks.
-This list should include long term and short term achievements.
2. What giftings/talents has the Lord given me to assist in accomplishing these tasks?
3. What continually vies for my attention that plays no part in achieving these goals?
The enemy of our souls is so very clever. He knows exactly what to use and when, to keep us from fulfilling our calling. It can literally be anything, and the more harmless it seems, the more chance it has of working.
Social Media, Hobbies, Phone Calls, Texting, Movies, Books, Podcasts, Exercise, Sickness, Shapes in the Clouds, Unexpected Visitors, Aches and Pains, Fear, Relationships, Anxiety, World News…Feel free to list more in the comments.)
We must focus on what’s truly important in our families and ministries. We must continually break free from the distractions that keep our minds scattered, and tether ourselves to the purpose God has called us to.
The scripture I have used is specifically talking about being content if you’re unmarried because a single person can focus exclusively on the things of God. However, it can be applied to anything that distracts us from our calling.
“And this I speak for your own profit; not that I may cast a snare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction.” (1 Corinthians 7:35)